Auburntown Council Meets

The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday, December 2, 2008, for their regular monthly meeting. All Councilmen were present, including the newly elected councilman, Beth Hancock. Jessica Thompson and Josh Underwood, students from Cannon County High School, were present to monitor the session as a class project.

Rita Davis, Treasurer, gave the financial report, which showed a balance of funds in the amount of $36,908.37.

The Mayor gave a progress report on the extension of utility water lines up Hurricane Creek Rd. A drive through by State Engineers, DeKalb Utility District personnel, the Mayor of Auburntown and possibly others will be conducted in this area in the near future. Hopefully the contract can be let in the spring and work on the project started early next summer.

Roy Sullivan, Director of Cannon County 911 Service, presented a proposal for video surveillance of strategic areas in the city. It seems criminals are becoming more sophisticated in their approach to crime. So to, must those who protect us become more diligent in employing the latest crime-fighting technology. The Council was given the information that will allow 911 Service to be involved on an on-going basis, should the city desires to participate. No action was taken on the proposal but will be brought up for review at next month’s meeting.

The Mayor commended the Volunteer Fire Dept. and the Lion’s Club for their hard work and expertise in erecting the City’s Christmas lights.

The meeting started at 6:00 P.M and ended one hour later.

Thanks to Winfred Gaither, Auburntown Bureau Chief