Cannon County Republican Party Ousts Chairman

The Cannon County Republican Party is looking for a new Chairman.  This past summer the Cannon County Republican Executive Committee requested that the State of Tennessee Republican Party Executive Committee remove Jim Gibbs from his role.  After a meeting last week of the State Executive Committee, the results of a nine member special investigative committee were released and it was the recommendation of each of the nine members that Mr. Gibbs be removed.  A representative of the Cannon County Executive Committee and Mr. Gibbs were given equal time to present evidence and call witnesses before the full Committee.  A vote was then taken afterwards and out of 54 Committee members present 50 voted for for removal, 3 votes to retain and 1 voted absent.  The Cannon County Republican Party Executive Committee stated that any future emails, editorials, private mail, commentaries or posts on all social media outlets made by Gibbs are of his opinion alone and do not reflect the opinions, beliefs or ideals of the Cannon County Republican Party Executive Committee or the members of the Cannon County Republican Party. The Cannon County Republican Party Executive Committee will meet Monday December 14th in a special called meeting at the Cannon County Courthouse at 6:00.