Inside Cannon Schools

December 21-January 1—Christmas BreakDecember 28-30—Sonic Shootout at Sparta
January 4—Return to school after Christmas Break
January 5—Report Cards
January 5—Mandatory TN Promise student meeting at CCHS—3:00 p.m.
January 5—CCHS basketball game with Warren Co.—6:00 p.m. (home)
 January 6th & January 7th – Woodbury Grammar—8th grade registration for high school—Contact your school for times.
 January 8th & January 11th- Woodland—8th grade registration for high school—Contact your school for times.
 January 12th Westside & Auburn—8th grade registration for high school—Contact your school for times.
 January 13th- Eastside—8th grade registration for high school—Contact your school for times.
 January 14th -Short Mtn.—8th grade registration for high school—Contact your school for times.