Farm School For 2009 Is All About Adding Value in Difficult Times

Farm School For 2009 Is All About Adding Value in Difficult Times
The schedule for the 2009 Farm School has been announced by the Cannon County UT Extension office.

January 8th, will be the first meeting of Farm Family School 2009. The meeting will begin at 7:00 and held in the Regions Bank meeting room. An old friend and familiar face to farm school is the scheduled speaker. Dr. Neil Rhodes, Weed Specialist with the University of Tennessee, will target weed control in pastures, fence rows and hay fields. Other business will include an update from Medley/Simpson and Bryan on livestock sales in 2008 and a short business meeting to elect directors.

January 15th, Weeds Night – Angela Thompson and Larry Steckel “New Herbicides & Strategies for Glyphosate Resistant & other Troublesome Weeds” & Production update

January 22, **No farm school** – The Tennessee Cattlemen’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for January 22, 23 and 24 at the Music Road Inn and Hotel and Convention Center in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Several producers from Cannon County plan to attend this year’s convention.

January 29, Beef night – Todd Jennings and Stacy Turner, from Merial and Boehringer Ingelheim, and Jimmy Ogilbie, TFC representative, are the scheduled speakers. Topics to be covered are vaccination programs, wormers, adding value to your weaned calves, update on Ag Enhancement and Handling Facilities. Thanks to Davy Sneed for his help in planning the two Beef Nights.

January 30, Fourth Annual Middle Tennessee Grain Conference. Joint effort between Franklin, Grundy, Warren, Coffee and Cannon. Location: Coffee County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building in Manchester, Tennessee . Exit 110 off of I-24.

In February classes will include; beef night 2, crops night and in March, health fair.

The staff at the extension office is still planning three additional nights. These include; pond management, horse night and insurance. We did not have confirmation from speakers in time to publicize the information.

Registration ($5.00 pre-registered Friday, 01/23/09; $10.00 at the door), Includes program, refreshments, lunch, conference proceedings, and cap.

A complete list of classes can be found in the Cannon Calendar section of